Titan Freight works with Portland General Electric (PGE) on their Portland site, and the rate plans available to them depend on the site's peak power. If they can keep the whole site to under 200 kW power consumption at all times, they qualify for the Schedule 38 rate—but if they go over for even a few minutes, they can be bumped up to the more expensive Schedule 85 rate, which includes demand charges.
With the Schedule 85 rate, Titan's average electricity cost would have been over $0.40 / kWh. By qualifying for Schedule 38, their average electricity cost is reduced to $0.18 / kWh—a reduction of over 50%.
Titan achieves this by using Flipturn's site power management functionality, which uses AI to dynamically balance power across multiple chargers on a site, while staying under a prescribed power limit. When only one or two trucks are charging at Titan’s site, they can charge quickly at or near maximum power. As more trucks get plugged in, charging slows as power is balanced to stay under that critical 200 kW threshold.

“With Flipturn, we are able to drop the electricity cost for our heavy duty fleet down from 40¢ per kWh to about 18¢, which is critical for the success of our business.”
Jason Altamirano
President at TITAN Freight Systems

Titan runs LTL deliveries directly, but also provides EV and charging services to other local fleets as a supplemental revenue stream. For accurate billing and reporting, it's critical to separate their own energy usage from that of their customers. Within Flipturn, each vehicle can be tagged with a customer, and then each charging session is automatically labeled based on the vehicle ID reported by the charger.
When it comes time to bill their charging customers for energy usage, Titan leverages Flipturn’s energy usage report, split by customer and time-of-use period (i.e., on-peak versus off-peak), as their source of truth.

“The Flipturn product seems to have everything you could ever want in a charging management system, and they are constantly developing and getting feedback from us. It makes us feel like we’re part of the product development.”
Jason Altamirano
President at TITAN Freight Systems

Titan conducted an in-depth analysis of charging management systems before selecting Flipturn. Titan needed a single solution, and Flipturn was one of the few providers to meet all of Titan’s product requirements, including:
- Alerting for vehicle state of charge
- Real-time visibility into vehicle location and charger status
- Easily-configurable power management
- Detailed reporting around energy usage, power demand
- Monitoring for charger issues and remote resolution, for example by resetting a charger
Titan also selected Flipturn for its deeply collaborative approach to product development. With Flipturn’s demonstrated rapid pace of iteration, Titan has confidence that Flipturn will continue to grow with their needs as they continue to scale and innovate.